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An NDA legally binds you

An NDA isn’t just a formality. For instance, suppose you’re having an issue with your bank and you settle for a small amount. You sign an NDA, but then mention the settlement to your spouse, who then mentions it to some friends. As word gets out, thousands of people then seek settlements with the bank for the same issue.

Could you be held liable for all of those payments — since they began with you violating the NDA? It would be for the courts to decide, but since you were legally bound not to disclose the terms to anyone — including your spouse — the bank is entitled to come after you. Even if the court doesn’t find you liable, the process would cause you stress, time and money.

Understand your liability and explore your options

If you reach a settlement with your bank, carefully read all of the documentation. If there’s an NDA — and you’re not comfortable with it—ask the bank if you can have it removed. If they won’t budge (and if the amount you’re settling for is insignificant), then you could refuse to sign and forgo the settlement.

But if you want to accept the settlement, then you may have to agree to the NDA. If this is the case, be sure you fully understand it. For instance, what constitutes a breach? Are only the terms of the agreement confidential, or are you prohibited from disclosing the fact that you came to an agreement altogether? And how long does the NDA last?

If you agree to the NDA, it’s important to take it seriously. It is, after all, a legally binding agreement — so mum’s the word.

Consider opening an account at another financial institution

Unexpected vet bills don’t have to break the bank

Life with pets is unpredictable, but there are ways to prepare for the unexpected.

Fetch Insurance offers coverage for treatment of accidents, illnesses, prescriptions drugs, emergency care and more.

Plus, their optional wellness plan covers things like routine vet trips, grooming and training costs, if you want to give your pet the all-star treatment while you protect your bank account.

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Vawn Himmelsbach Freelance Contributor

Vawn Himmelsbach is a journalist who has been covering tech, business and travel for more than two decades. Her work has been published in a variety of publications, including The Globe and Mail, Toronto Star, National Post, CBC News, ITbusiness, CAA Magazine, Zoomer, BOLD Magazine and Travelweek, among others.


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