And if you’re a pet owner, that includes your furry friend, too. Unless you make formal arrangements for your pet’s care, he or she could wind up in a shelter.

The good news: Making a will online is faster and cheaper than ever.

It takes 20 minutes, literally

You don’t need a pricey estate lawyer who charges upwards of $600. With an online will service like Willful, a basic will only costs $99.

The whole process takes 20 minutes (yes, really) and you can do it from your couch.

Willful will help guide you through every step, so just fill in the relevant information based on their prompts.

Once your will is printed off and properly signed, it’s legally binding. That’s it — you’re done.

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The easy way to protect your stuff

Unless you’ve got a ton of very complicated assets in need of lawyering, an online service like Willful is all you need to make a legal will.

It’ll save you time, save you money, and guarantee that your stuff goes to the right people.


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Shane is a reporter for He holds a bachelor’s degree in English Language & Literature from Western University and is a graduate of the Algonquin College Scriptwriting program.

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