The following four steps can help boost your credit score above 700 — and keep it there.

Ask your creditors to cut you a break

If your credit is decent aside from a few honest mistakes, you should try writing a letter to your creditors to see if they’ll cut you some slack and remove blemishes on your credit history.

Start by explaining who you are (including your account number) and how long you’ve been a customer of the creditor you’re reaching out to.

Own up to the errors that led to the drop in your credit score, and briefly walk through the measures you’re taking to make sure they won’t happen again.

Try to make your letter as clear and concise as possible, and be sure to mention the specific dates and amounts of any missed payments you’re hoping will be removed from your credit history.

Once it’s ready, send it out using the contact information on your creditor’s website. There’s no guarantee that they’ll give you a break, but it’s worth a shot.

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Monitor your score for free and get personalized tips

Your credit history is unique to you, and so is your path to a better credit score. But even though everyone’s credit strategy may be different, there’s one move that’s essential no matter what: Monitoring your score.

Borrowell will let you check your Equifax credit score for free online whenever you want. Anytime your score drops you’ll get an alert, making it easier to deal with the problem before it gets worse.

Borrowell also offers personalized tips, articles, and tools to help you boost your score. For a lot of Borrowell users, these free resources are a game-changer. Just ask Oswald, who’s been using Borrowell since 2019.

“I followed their advice and went from a 560 to a 680 in a few months,” he says.

It only takes three minutes to sign up for Borrowell and start improving your credit score pronto.

Let this company pay your credit card bill

Credit card debt can have a huge impact on your credit score, especially if your cards are maxed out or you’ve missed a monthly payment.

If your credit card bills are dragging you down, you should consider taking out a debt consolidation loan with the help of a website called LoanConnect.

LoanConnect can match you with a loan that will totally wipe out your debt — yes, all of it. You’ll only have one monthly payment to worry about, and it will likely be lower than what you were paying before.

Applying for a loan through LoanConnect won’t affect your credit score, and you could be pre-approved in as little as 60 seconds. Once you’ve selected a lender, you’ll have your money within 24 hours.

If you want to clear your debt faster and give your credit score a push in the right direction, apply for a personal loan with LoanConnect today.

Unexpected vet bills don’t have to break the bank

Life with pets is unpredictable, but there are ways to prepare for the unexpected.

Fetch Insurance offers coverage for treatment of accidents, illnesses, prescriptions drugs, emergency care and more.

Plus, their optional wellness plan covers things like routine vet trips, grooming and training costs, if you want to give your pet the all-star treatment while you protect your bank account.

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Shield yourself from the unexpected with a high-interest savings account

Although opening a high-interest savings account won’t impact your credit score directly, keeping an emergency fund to cover the unexpected ensures you can still pay your bills and avoid hurting your score.

Many financial experts recommend setting aside enough emergency savings to cover at least six months of your regular expenses. That way you won’t need to risk tanking your credit score with late or missed payments when money is tight.

Parking your emergency savings in a high-interest account like EQ Bank’s Savings Plus Account has the added perk of earning you up to 1.50%* interest on every dollar you put in, which means your savings will have the chance to grow over time.

And if you’re considering applying for a mortgage, having money in a savings account may be necessary — many lenders will require you to have enough saved up to cover at least two months’ worth of payments.

So even though it may not be listed on your credit report, a high-interest savings account is a valuable tool if you’re hoping to get your score over the 700-point hump.


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Shane is a reporter for He holds a bachelor’s degree in English Language & Literature from Western University and is a graduate of the Algonquin College Scriptwriting program.

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