The top 9 in-demand jobs this year

Line up of people sitting in chairs from the waist down / Shutterstock

Randstand Canada, a human resources consulting firm, has released its predictions for the top jobs in need of more people in 2021. The firm says that not only will a great number of jobs be in high demand, but those with specialized skill sets stand a good chance of getting hired this year.

And if you’re interested in looking for roles with remote, part-time or freelance structures, there are plenty of great options too.

Here are the top jobs Randstand is projecting will sorely need recruits this year.

1. Customer service representative

For most service workers, the pandemic meant a huge drop in business. But in customer service, there was a massive surge in demand for support.

It’s no surprise that with everything moving virtual, businesses across all industries noticed an uptick in calls, demanding support they might have been able to receive in person over the phone or online.

From internet service providers to banks, companies across the country are on the hunt for empathetic and efficient employees.

2. Truck and Delivery Drivers

Man driving a red truck wearing glasses and a hat
Virrage Images / Shutterstock

Even with borders closed, essential supplies still need to be picked up and delivered across the country — in fact, you could argue that’s become even more important.

While Canada’s geography has meant we’ve always relied on truck drivers to serve a crucial role in the distribution channel, their importance has only increased as they’re now responsible for delivering medical supplies to hospitals and essential goods to retailers from coast to coast.

But on a small scale, with everyone home, delivery drivers are in hot demand as well.

So whether you have a regular or commercial vehicle driver’s license, you can be sure there’s an opportunity out there for you.

3. Registered nurse

Even before COVID hit, there was already a shortage of registered nurses across the country. Back in 2009, the Canadian Nurses Association estimated we’d have a shortage of 60,000 nurses by 2022.

And that number doesn’t factor in the increased labour demands from the pandemic. With many medical professionals facing burnout from a year at full tilt, the need for more nurses has reached a critical point.

If you have a degree in nursing or a Bachelor of Science in Nursing and you’re eager to get to work, you should have no problem finding a handful of opportunities.

4. Project manager

Man sitting at desk talking with hand to screen with co-workers on video chat
Kate Kultsevych / Shutterstock

Despite the broad job title, project managers play an important role in both company culture and efficiency. From ensuring teams collaborate to meet deadlines to pioneering new business practices, a good project manager is critical to a company’s success.

With so many companies working from home now, project managers play an important role in bringing their teams together and ensuring the flow of information and quality of product isn’t disrupted or disjointed.

These employees are in demand across various sectors, but especially so in IT, manufacturing and construction these days.

5. Electrical engineer

You only have to experience one power outage to realize how much we rely on electricity nowadays. And to support everything from electric power generation and distribution to cars, smartphones and computers, we count on electrical engineers.

Especially through the pandemic, countless businesses have relied on complex communication systems (run by electrical engineers) to continue to operate through the chaos of the pandemic.

6. Software developers

Three men standing in front of computer screen looking at code
dotshock / Shutterstock

With everyone working from home, there’s a huge need for software developers to support web, software and mobile development.

If you can code, design and build applications, websites or mobile apps, companies across the country are looking for candidates like you.

And not only are people working from home, that’s where they’re shopping these days too. E-commerce business continues to grow at an exponential rate and all kinds of companies are looking for new employees to help develop or enhance their products to attract and satisfy consumers.

7. Financial advisor

The pandemic has had one of two significant financial impacts on Canadians: either they’re barely getting by or they’ve been saving like gangbusters with less ways to spend the money they do have.

In both situations, and especially smack dab in the middle of tax season, the guidance of a financial advisor has never been more important. Canadians feel 45% less financially secure since COVID, according to a Sun Life survey.

If you’ve got the skills and training to help people manage their money, there’s a wide range of roles out there, from entry-level roles at banks to more senior positions.

8. HR manager

Portrait of smiling young woman looking at camera, holding papers in an office
fizkes / Shutterstock

Finding a way to bring together teams working remotely while navigating the usual employee issues that arise has been a challenge for management teams all over the world. But coupled with economic uncertainty, companies have leaned hard on their HR managers to stay afloat.

These employees have been responsible for drafting critical work-from-home HR policies, reconfiguring workflows, ensuring the health and safety of staff as well as their morale, bringing on new team members and adapting to the new business challenges.

If you’ve got the skills to bring together a company under constantly evolving circumstances and help facilitate collaboration, your training and experience are going to be in high demand this year.

9. Accountant

Like financial advisors, in times of financial uncertainty, accountants become incredibly important. Whether your skills are needed to advise businesses on how to access government funding or tax breaks or how to navigate growth or losses, what you can offer is critical now.

Accountants can provide detailed financial planning to help companies rise to the top, as well as identify growth opportunities without having to compromise capital.

If you’re able to offer these services to a company and work collaboratively with other departments, you won’t be on the hunt for long.

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If you’re a business or organization looking to recruit

Young female candidate laughing at job interview
Mangostar / Shutterstock

Hiring a new employee is a lot of work. And for many, onboarding new people remotely makes everything all the more challenging. That’s why it’s so important you find and interview the most qualified, best-suited candidates for every role.

Especially when it comes to remote work, make sure you bring in a candidate who can learn remotely and quickly become a productive member of your team. So be sure to properly vet all the candidates you’re seriously considering: Call their references, read work samples and ask situational questions in your interviews.

Making money between jobs

If you are on the hunt for a full-time gig and are needing some income in the meantime, you’re in luck. You can earn money using your skills or hobbies by signing for an online freelancer market.

You can also make a little extra cash in between job interviews and applications with an app that gives you cash or gift cards for watching videos and doing surveys online.


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Sigrid Forberg Associate Editor

Sigrid’s is's associate editor, and she has also worked as a reporter and staff writer on the team.

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