Geotab’s findings

In order to support companies offering more sustainable alternatives to traditional services, some Canadians are willing to pay a premium for EV deliveries: Twenty percent are willing to pay a small extra delivery fee, 44% are willing to wait an extra day and 44% would accept having their delivery limited to specific days if it meant an EV can deliver their goods.

Geotab's research also reveals that 58% of Canadians support government incentives for small and medium-sized delivery companies to facilitate their transition to EVs.

Another Geotab report on fleet electrification from April 2024 also found that 41% of analyzed gas and diesel light-duty vehicles were considered "EV-suitable," being cost-effective and range capable, and that switching them to electric could potentially save around $16,000 per vehicle over seven years, on average.

The environmental impact of converting all these vehicles could potentially save approximately 19 million metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions.

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Sustainable change in the transport space

Road transport is responsible for more than 75% of global carbon dioxide emissions from the transportation sector, more than shipping and aviation, and road freight can emit more than 100 times as much carbon dioxide as ships hauling the same freight.

In the US, medium- and heavy-duty vehicles make up only 5% of all vehicles and produce almost 25% of the nation's greenhouse gas emissions.

Survey methodology

These findings are from a survey conducted by Geotab between August 16 to August 20, 2024. The 1,503 Canadians respondents were asked to complete an online survey through the Angus Reid Forum. The survey was conducted in English and French. For comparison purposes only, a probability sample of this size would carry a margin of error of +/-2.53 percentage points, 19 times out of 20.


1. Geotab: Taking Charge: Geotab Report Unveils Significant Potential for Fleet Electrification with Insights from Over 1.3 Million Vehicles​ (Apr 17, 2024)


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