Gen Z entrepreneurs

Across all ages included in the research, only 13% of entrepreneurs left education after graduating high school, and 63% are educated to degree level or higher. However, among Gen Z entrepreneurs surveyed, the percentage who left education after high school jumps to a quarter.

One factor may be the significant price hikes in higher education over the years. Among those surveyed who did graduate from university before starting a business venture, almost half (48%) say that education has not been valuable to them as a business owner.

“With GoDaddy research suggesting that higher education may not always be a necessary ingredient for entrepreneurial success, entrepreneurs who opt to forego attending university have the potential to be every bit as successful in building thriving businesses,” Lee said.

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Barrier to entrepreneurship entry

Almost three in 10 (27%) Canadian entrepreneurs surveyed said less than $500 was needed to start their business, including 12% who said that no start-up capital was needed at all.

This trend of forgoing university is particularly pronounced in rural parts of Canada, where a quarter (25%) of the country's no-degree entrepreneurs surveyed live. In contrast, just 13% of entrepreneurs surveyed who went to university live in rural areas.

Entrepreneurs surveyed and who didn't go to university are significantly more likely to employ other people without a degree at 61% compared to 43% among those with a degree.


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Nicholas completed his master's in journalism and communications at Western University. Since then, he's worked as a reporter at the Financial Post,, Sustainable Biz Canada and more. Aside from reporting, he also has experience in web production, social media management, photography and video production. His work can also be found in the Toronto Star, Yahoo Finance Canada, Electric Autonomy Canada and Exclaim among others.


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