How are Canadian workers performing better?

According to hiring managers, the biggest steps they've taken that have contributed to higher productivity are hiring full-time employees (31%), improving management practices (31%), enhanced staff training (31%) and adopting new technologies (29%).

The use of artificial intelligence (AI) has also influenced this productivity uptick, where 3 in 10 professionals are experiencing increased efficiency due to the implementation of technologies such as generative AI.

Gen Z workers are the most likely to have improved productivity using AI (47%), followed by millennials (32%). Less than a quarter of Gen X professionals (23%) feel that generative AI has increased their efficiency, and only 14% of baby boomers.

When the workers themselves were asked about what would help with productivity, many responded with some form of flexibility in their working hours and schedule.

  • More than half of respondents (52%) said their productivity increases when offered more hybrid work options
  • More than 4 in 10 workers (42%) say having flexible work hours improves their engagement
  • 27% say they are more productive and engaged when their company offers Summer Fridays

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The issue with ramping up productivity

While productivity has spiked, the methods that workers are implementing in order to achieve it are cause for concern. The biggest issue is that many workers are putting in more hours. Nearly 3 in 10 workers (29%) are logging more hours compared to the previous year.

That unfortunate surge is led by Gen Z (39%), followed by Millennials (34%), Gen X (22%) and Baby Boomers (14%). Meanwhile, more than half of managers (52%) say they send emails to employees outside of regular business hours, and 28% expect responses before the next business day.

Survey methodology

The online surveys were developed by Robert Half and conducted by an independent research firm in June this year. They include responses from 1,800 managers with hiring responsibilities in finance and accounting, technology, marketing and creative, legal, administrative and customer support as well as human resources at companies with 20 or more employees in Canada, and more than 1,750 professionals aged 18 years and older.


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Nicholas completed his master's in journalism and communications at Western University. Since then, he's worked as a reporter at the Financial Post,, Sustainable Biz Canada and more. Aside from reporting, he also has experience in web production, social media management, photography and video production. His work can also be found in the Toronto Star, Yahoo Finance Canada, Electric Autonomy Canada and Exclaim among others.

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