New ScotiaRISE funding

Support through ScotiaRISE allows the Children's Aid Foundation of Canada to engage 10 new partner organizations that will deliver the Stay in School program across the country, with a focus on Indigenous-led youth-serving organizations.

The program currently operates in BC and Alberta, and is expanding its offerings to Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec and New Brunswick.

"Young people from care face unique challenges impacting their ability to access and complete post-secondary education. Intergenerational and lived trauma, inadequate resources for housing, challenges related to mental health, and the absence of a consistent network of supportive adults all pose significant barriers,” said Jeffrey Schiffer, chief impact officer at the Children's Aid Foundation of Canada.

“Programs like Stay in School play an instrumental role in offering the resources and support needed to build stable and successful futures for youth connected to child welfare. Scotiabank's continued commitment enables the Foundation and our partners to continue to make meaningful impact, creating sustainable change in the lives of youth in care in Canada."

The Children’s Aid Foundation of Canada is partnered with 114 child- and youth-serving agencies across the country. Last year, it supported over 16,000 children, youth and families.

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ScotiaRISE and Scotiabank

ScotiaRISE is Scotiabank's 10-year, $500 million commitment and social impact strategy aimed at improving high school and post-secondary participation and removing career barriers. It also invests in programs that address newcomer economic inclusion, Indigenous culture and language reclamation, as well as urgent and basic needs, such as improving access to basic supports like food and water, shelter and medical care.

Since it began in 2021, ScotiaRISE has invested $102 million in funding globally for 200 organizations, helping individuals and disadvantaged groups at 1.6 million critical moments in time. The bank defines these ‘critical moments’ as when “an individual or group received support, training and/or resources through a program supported by a ScotiaRISE investment.”

As of the end of April, Scotiabank has assets of approximately $1.4 trillion.


1. Scotiabank press release


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Nicholas completed his master's in journalism and communications at Western University. Since then, he's worked as a reporter at the Financial Post,, Sustainable Biz Canada and more. Aside from reporting, he also has experience in web production, social media management, photography and video production. His work can also be found in the Toronto Star, Yahoo Finance Canada, Electric Autonomy Canada and Exclaim among others.


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