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Episode 12: The question and costs of becoming a parent

The decision to become a parent is a big one, and it's important to consider all the factors involved, including the financial ones. Raising a child can be expensive, from education, food, and clothing to surprise costs such as hidden expenses and paying for daycare. There is also social pressure to have children — especially on women — but ultimately, the choice is yours.

We dive into the two sides of the big choice: choosing to have children vs choosing not to. Joining us on the Half Banked Podcast is Barry Choi, father and personal finance expert. He talks about the realities of being a parent and the financial impact of having and raising children. Our second guest is Therese Shechter, filmmaker and producer of a documentary titled My So-Called Selfish Life, a film about the taboo of choosing to be child-free. She shares how finances can impact this big decision and what it means to choose not to have children in today’s world.

From the child tax credit to dealing with the cost of daycare, listen to Barry and Therese to better understand the financial and personal impacts of the answer to the question of whether or not to have children.

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Episode 8: Not your traditional house: van living and tiny homes

The Next Generation of Homebuying Part 3

The dream of homeownership can seem unattainable, especially with the average one-bedroom apartment rental in Canada costing just over $700 a month and 29% of Canadians resigning to renting forever. Fortunately, today's episode focuses on alternative home-buying strategies, which may be the light at the end of the tunnel for many aspiring home buyers. Tiny homes or van living might be a way out of renting for the rest of your life.

On this episode of Half Banked, and the final segment in our Next Generation of Homebuying series, we interview three guests: Comedian Matt Watson, as well as tiny home builders and experts Roger Allan Gallant and Bianca Metz. All of them have experience in alternative housing. Watson enjoys the freedom of van living and lives a nearly nomadic lifestyle that aligns with his career. Roger and Bianca are experts in the tiny homes field and have built, purchased, and helped others create tiny homes to suit their needs.

Listen to The Next Generation of Homebuying Part 1 and Part 2 to hear more about what young Canadians might face as they go through the process of buying — and owning — a home in the current housing market.

Episode 10: The real costs of a wedding in Canada — and how to handle them

How much does the average wedding cost? The answer may be higher than you think — and the costs associated with a wedding can be surprising. You might have already budgeted out your wedding, but having the insights of people who’ve been to and planned weddings for several years is invaluable.

Click here to catch up on all 12 full episodes of Half Banked Season 1 on your favourite podcast platform!


Meet the hosts

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Bethan Moorcraft

Bethan Moorcraft is a reporter for Moneywise with experience in news editing and business reporting across international markets. Before turning her talents to personal finance, she was the senior editor of Insurance Business, a global insurance industry publication.

Before moving to Canada, Bethan was a crime and news reporter in the United Kingdom, with her work appearing on Mirror Online, Bath Chronicle, Wales Online and The New Day.

Bethan co-hosts the Half Banked podcast, which focuses on personal finance for a Gen Z and millennial audience. Through the podcast, Bethan aims to empower her listeners to make informed financial decisions, build their wealth, and achieve their financial goals.

Cadeem Lalor

Cadeem Lalor is formerly an associate editor with Moneywise and He has previously served as an editor with The Hamilton Spectator and The Toronto Star. He is a published non-fiction and ficton author, with a background in communications.


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Samantha Emann Senior Associate Editor

Samantha is a veteran editor with a decade of journalism experience as both an editor and writer. She graduated from Humber College’s print and broadcast journalism program in 2012 and has written and edited for a variety of major news organizations including The Toronto Star, The Hamilton Spectator, TC Media and Narcity. She has a passion for helping young Canadians navigate important money topics and financial news and she is the lead producer of's Half Banked podcast. She also co-founded one of Canada’s first esports podcasts, Scrub League.

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